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Kīspin ki nitawihtīn ā nīhīyawihk ōma ācimōwin, tipwēsinēn.
Tłįcho yati k’èè. Di wegodi newo dè, gots’o gonede.
Ɂerıhtł’ ís dëne súłiné yati t’a huts’ëlker xa beyéyati theɂa ɂat’e, nuwe ts’ën yółti.
Edı gondı dehgéh got’ı̨e zhatié k’ę́ę́ edatł’éh enahddhę nide.
K’éhshó got’ı̨ne xədə́ k’é hederi ɂedı̨htl’é yeriniwé nı́dé dúle.
Jii gwandak izhii ginjı̀k vat’ar’ijąhch’uu zhı̀t yinohthan jı̀’, diits’àt ginohknı̀i.
b4fx tt6bw5 WJmA[Q5 wk4tgo6ymlt4, s?5t8k5 scM J8N6gt5.
Hapkua titiqqat pijumagupkit Inuinnaqtun, uvaptinnut hivajarlutit.
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