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Campaign Advertising

Types of Campaign Material

Campaign advertising is the transmission of messages – by any means – to the public during an election which promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, a person’s candidacy or election.

It includes (but is not limited to) election signs, campaign brochures, radio or television ads, social media posts, and newspaper ads.

Identification of Sponsor

The Act requires that campaign advertising identify the name of its sponsor and their telephone number. The sponsor is any person, association, or organization who is paying for the advertising. This is usually the Candidate or the Official Agent.

Use one of the following formats:

  1. “Authorized by [name of Candidate], [telephone number].”
  2. “Authorized by [name of Official Agent], Official Agent for [name of Candidate], [telephone number].”
  3. “Authorized by [name of individual], [telephone number].”

A sponsor for any campaign material must be a resident of the NWT, and must be available at the telephone number provided to answer any questions from the public.


Any advertising that has a surface area of less than 64cm2 or may reasonably be considered to be clothing, a novelty item, or an item intended for personal use does not require the identification of a sponsor.

Contributions of advertising

Non-monetary contributions

If the advertising is being provided as a non-monetary contribution, the donor providing the service must be identified as the sponsor. This might include a donation of signs or published material, or the donation of advertising space or airtime that would normally cost money.

In addition to identifying the sponsor on the campaign material, the value of the advertising expense must be recorded as a non-monetary contribution.

Reused materials

Reused materials, such as campaign posters and signs, should be recorded at their fair market value, which is the price that they would obtain in the open market, in an arms-length transaction.

Location of Campaign Material

Near voting places

Campaign material cannot be placed within 25 metres of a polling station or the office of a Returning Officer. This includes signage, posters, or any other published material.


On public property

When placing campaign materials on public property, existing local bylaws must be observed. Check which laws apply to your selected locations.

On private property

A landlord or condo corporation cannot prohibit a tenant or condo owner from displaying campaign materials on the premises of their unit.

However, landlords or condominium corporations may set conditions on the size or type of materials that may be displayed. They may also prohibit or restrict the display of campaign materials in common areas such as hallways, elevators, stairwells, lobbies, or parking areas.

Sign Removal

Campaign materials on public property must be removed within 14 days after polling day. Candidates are responsible for removing campaign material after the election.

It is an election offence for an unauthorized person to take down, remove, cover up, mutilate, deface, or alter campaign materials.

Election Officer’s Authority

Any election officer acting on the instructions of the Chief Electoral Officer has the authority to remove, destroy, or discontinue any campaign advertising that does not comply with the requirements set out in the Elections and Plebiscites Act.