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Reporting Obligations



In addition to managing a candidate’s campaign finances, an Official Agent is also responsible for recording and reporting all contributions and expenses, and retaining all supporting documentation for these transactions.


All monetary and non-monetary contributions must be recorded. Any contribution of $100 or more must also include the full name and address of the contributor.


All expenses incurred during an election campaign must be recorded. This includes money paid to vendors as well as the market value of non-monetary contributions. Any payment for an election expense that exceeds $50 must be supported by a receipt.


An Official Agent is responsible for completing and submitting an accurate Candidate’s Financial Report to the OCEO, along with all supporting documentation, within 45 business days of polling day.

Time Management

If a Candidate’s Financial Report is filed on or the day before the deadline, there will not be enough time for the OCEO to review the report and correct any errors or omissions before the deadline.

If errors or omissions are found after the deadline has passed, candidates or Official Agents may be liable to pay a penalty for filing an incomplete or inaccurate report.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to review the report and ensure it is accurate, complete, and all the required supporting documentation is included.