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The Nomination Process


The Nomination Period

The five-day nomination period begins when the writs of election have been issued by the Chief Electoral Officer. Writs are issued 29 days before polling day.

Any eligible person interested in becoming a Candidate can access the Nomination Paper below or obtain one from their Returning Officer.

Nomination Paper

A full checklist and set of instructions are included with the Nomination Paper pdf download. Until a Nomination Paper is accepted by the appropriate election officer, a prospective Candidate is called a Nomination Contestant.

The Nomination Paper must be submitted in person by the Nomination Contestant or their Official Agent to the Returning Officer, Assistant Returning Officer, or Additional Assistant Returning Officer in the district in which the contestant wishes to be a Candidate. Nomination Papers are not accepted by email, fax, or courier.

Ensure that parts 1 through 4 of the Nomination Paper are fully completed before submitting them to the Returning Officer.

Candidate Photo

Nomination Contestants have the option to submit a photo to be printed on the ballot.

The photo must have been taken within the past 12 months and must present a frontal view of the candidate’s head and shoulders.

Digital photos cannot exceed 2MB and must be at least 500x500 pixels. Printed photos must be at least 2.54cm in width and 3.81cm in height.

No head coverings are allowed in the photo unless required for religious or medical reasons.

The photo must be submitted with the Nomination Paper. Photos cannot be submitted after the Nomination Paper has been accepted.

Candidate Declaration

The Nomination Contestant must sign Part 4 of the Nomination Paper, confirming they have reviewed all the information provided with the Nomination Paper.

Receipt of Nomination Papers & Deposit

A $200 deposit must be submitted with the Nomination Paper. The deposit must be paid by cash, money order, or certified cheque made out to the Government of the Northwest Territories. Personal cheques will not be accepted.

The deposit will be returned if an accurate and complete Candidate’s Financial Report is submitted within 60 days of polling day.

Once the Nomination Paper and deposit have been accepted by the Returning Officer, the Nomination Contestant is declared an official Candidate.

A Receipt of Official Candidacy will be issued as proof that the Nomination Paper and deposit have been accepted.

Get Your Papers in Early!
Nomination Contestants or Official Agents should submit their Nomination Paper early in the nomination period, in case corrections need to be made or additional information is required. The deadline for submissions is 2:00 p.m. on the Friday following the issue of the writs. All documents must be completed and submitted by the deadline.

Withdrawing Your Candidacy

A Candidate has until 5:00 p.m. on the Friday following the issue of the writs to withdraw.

A Candidate Withdrawal Form (form 2150) must be signed by the Candidate and witnessed by two eligible electors who are resident in the electoral district listed on the form.

The Candidate must submit the form in person to the Returning Officer, or other authorized person.   

Candidates who withdraw forfeit the $200 deposit.