Official Receipts
Official Receipt Books
A Monetary Contributions Official Receipts book (form 2110) is available from the Returning Officer once a Nomination Contestant’s Nomination Paper is accepted and they are officially declared a candidate. Only candidates and Official Agents may receive an Official Receipts Book.
There is no limit to the number of receipt books a candidate or Official Agent can obtain from the Returning Officer; however, all receipt books must be returned with the candidate’s Financial Report.
Issuing Receipts
Only an Official Agent can issue an official receipt. An Official Agent can NOT authorize any other person, including a candidate, to issue official receipts.
There are three copies of each receipt. The contributor receives the white copy, the Official Agent retains the yellow copy, and the pink copy remains in the book.

Eligible Contributions
Monetary contributions to a campaign are eligible for an official receipt up to a maximum value of $1,500. There is no minimum contribution required for issuing an official receipt.
Anonymous contributions and non-monetary contributions are NOT eligible for official receipts.
If a candidate uses their own funds to promote their candidacy during an election period and is not reimbursed from contributions, the candidate may receive an official receipt for a maximum of $1,500.
Recording Receipts
If an official receipt is issued for a contribution, the receipt number must be recorded in the appropriate column of the table in Parts 1 and 2 of Section Three of the candidate’s Financial Report.
Returning Unused Receipts
All Official Receipts Books received from the Returning Officer must be returned to the OCEO with the candidate’s Financial Report.