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Financial Obligations


Collecting Contributions

An Official Agent is responsible for handling all contributions. An Official Agent is the only person authorized to receive contributions from individuals or organizations. If necessary, an Official Agent may provide written authorization to another person to collect contributions on their behalf.

Issuing and Managing Receipts

Official Agents are responsible for issuing all official receipts during the campaign period. Only an Official Agent can issue an official receipt. Official receipts can be used for tax purposes. Official receipts are only issued for monetary contributions.

An Official Receipt Book (Form 2110) is available from the Returning Officer. Returning Officers will only issue Official Receipt Books to candidates or Official Agents.

All Official Receipt Books must be returned to the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer along with the Candidate’s Financial Report.

Authorizing and Paying expenses

Only the Official Agent, or a representative of the Official Agent who is authorized in writing, may incur election expenses during the campaign period.

All receipts for expenses incurred by any authorized person must be submitted to the Official Agent for reimbursement.

If a candidate incurs election expenses during the pre-election period, they may seek reimbursement of those expenses from the Official Agent by providing receipts. Any spending in the pre-election period is counted toward the $30,000 total spending limit for an election campaign.

For more information about contributions, official receipts, or expenses, visit